Solar Power
We are using solar power to cover part of our energy requirements. The entire south facing aspect of our recent extension is covered with the latest technology solar panels, contributing significantly to our energy needs, with clean and sustainable energy
Green Energy (CHP)
We also operate a 3 MW CHP scheme (Combined heat & power) where we buy gas to generate electricity which is sold to the grid, whilst simultaneously using the by products of this operation , heat and Co2, in our nursery to the benefit of our crops.
Since 2016, we have added to our transport tenders the requirement for the offset of all the CO2 emissions produced while carrying our products. 90% of our imported products are currently under neutral emissions transport, with a view to increase this to 100% in the next years.
Please click here to see our CO2 offsetting certificates
We are recycling plastic, wood and paper separately, whilst at the same time we are minimising the use of non-recyclable plastic in our products, working closely with our customers and actively supporting all relevant initiatives. We are also handling organic waste in an environmental friendly way.
Modern Slavery Statement
Agriculture and farming has long been identified as a high risk industry for modern slavery and at Abbey View Produce, we take our duty very seriously to ensure that both our business and Supply Chains are free of Modern Slavery and any hidden labour exploitation.
At Abbey View, we have both shaped and implemented a very clear set or policies and actions which outline our Commitment to being proactive when tackling hidden labour exploitation and Modern Slavery.
Please find our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement here:
We continue to closely monitor developments and the global impact with respect to the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Our crisis management team has been monitoring the situation, and taking steps to ensure the wellness and safety of our employees while executing against our comprehensive business continuity plans.
The team has been providing relevant, timely updates to our employees, customers and suppliers.
Abbey View Produce remains fully operational, continuing to service all customer requirements while adhering to government and health regulations. Our scale, technology, and modern facilities, enable us to continue to support our growers, suppliers, customers and colleagues in these challenging times